Tunnocks Marshmallow Snowballs 4pk Soft marshmallow fully coated in chocolate flavored coating sprinkled with coconut. A Snowball is similar to the Tea Cake with the addition of grated coconut to the exterior of a soft chocolate shell but with no biscuit base. Made in Scotland www.pacificcandywhsle.com
Made in Scotland since 1890, Tunnock's is a family-owned bakery selling products that will make your customers' tea break tastier than ever before! Formed by Thomas Tunnock in 1890 when he purchased an Uddingston baker's shop for just £80, Tunnock never looked back. His Caramel Wafer, and Tunnock's Teacake, a small round shortbread biscuit covered with a dome of Italian meringue and a whipped egg white similar to marshmallow, have been afternoon tea mainstays for years on end. Get your hands on both products and more right here in Canada thanks to Pacific Candy Wholesale.