Contact Pacific Candy Wholesale:
Canada bulk buy candy made easy

Call off the search for Canada bulk buy candy. Get your sweet fix with Pacific Candy Wholesale right here and right now! Our Surrey warehouse is open Monday to Friday, 8:00am through 4:00pm PST for your convenience. To learn about our holiday hours, please contact us directly.

We pride ourselves on providing you our undivided attention and one-on-one support. Simply call the office or complete the form below to get started today.

Contact our BC office

Phone Number:




19347 24 Ave #106,
Surrey, BC V3S 3S9

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Even more options for Canada bulk buy candy. Isn’t that sweet?

Remember, for orders over $350, we have free shipping on our Canada bulk buy candy too. With free shipping available everywhere except remote locations, most orders ship within 48 hours. Depending on location and order volume, we can sometimes arrange same-day pickup too. Elsewhere, there’s no limitation on order size up to $20,000. For stores with multiple locations, we can ship Canada bulk buy candy to different addresses as well. It’s all part of the reason why we’re your number one choice for Canada bulk candy.

Are you a candy vendor? Contact Pacific Candy Wholesale today and let's work together.
Looking for a Canadian candy distributor you can rely on? Look no further! Get in contact with our team today and start receiving delicious candy and stellar customer service, time and time again. We look forward to hearing from you.
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